Plan, Prepare, & Protect Your Family

for less than the price of a delicious meal

One Free Section

FREE For Life
  • Step-by-Step Success Path
  • Secure Digital Filing Cabinet - Limited*
  • 100 megs Document Storage
  • Military-grade Encryption & Security
  • Access to Life Academy Video Library
  • * Limited to 1 section only
    (Example: Life Insurance)

Personal VIP Edition

$ 7
  • Step-by-Step Success Path
  • Full Access Digital Filing Cabinet
  • 5 Gig Document Storage
  • Military-grade Encryption & Security
  • Access to Life Academy Video Library
  • Complete Peace of Mind


$ 5 Monthly
  • Step-by-Step Success Path
  • Secure Digital Filing Cabinet
  • 5 Gig Document Storage
  • Military-Grade Encryption & Security
  • Access to Life Academy Video Library
  • Complete Peace of Mind