Why Me On File?

After the tragic death of my father in law, Willis Gass in 1993, my family experienced one of those defining moments that has had a life changing impact not only on me personally, but also my children and grandchildren. I know…I’m living it! Because of his thoughtful act of taking the time to prepare and organize a simple three ring binder and then inform my mother-in-law about all the matters of his life, such as legal documents, insurance policies and personal wishes and their location, made a very painful and stress-filled time much easier to handle.

Many families however, experience quite the opposite. Instead of having everything easily accessible to make important decisions moving forward as we experienced, they are forced to spend pain staking hours looking for answers to questions or legal documents that are essential before anything can even start to feel somewhat normal again.

If you have personally experienced or know someone who has experienced any of the above, either prepared or not, then you have found the answer to the question, why Me on File! On behalf of my family and the generations yet to come, thank you Willis for your unforgettable act of love!